//intToBinary.cpp //HYQ //Mar 20,2013 const char* bits(unsigned int val){ int i; unsigned int m; char* v = new char[(sizeof(val)*8)+1]; int c=48;//ascII char '0' for(i=0,m=1<<(sizeof(val)*8-1); m;//until 0 v[i]=(c+!!(val&m)),m=m>>1,i++); v[i]=0; return v; }
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Int to Binary String
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
DLL Program
Program of DLL
Function description:
1.DLL constructor
2.DLL destructor
3.DLL Copy constructor
4.DLL operator=()
5.DLL copy()
6.DLL append()
7.DLL insert()
8.DLL remove()
8.DLL del()
Function description:
1.DLL constructor
2.DLL destructor
3.DLL Copy constructor
4.DLL operator=()
5.DLL copy()
6.DLL append()
7.DLL insert()
8.DLL remove()
8.DLL del()
//dll.cpp //HYQ //Mar 14, 2013 //Release v0.3 DLL::DLL(){ _head = _tail = _curr = 0; } DLL::~DLL(){ while (del()); } DLL::DLL(DLL& D){//prevent copying _head = _tail = _curr = 0; copy(D); } DLL& DLL::operator=(DLL& D){ while (del()); copy(D); return *this; } void DLL::copy(DLL& D){ int currPos; for(currPos=0;D.goPrev();currPos++); // findout where is current if (!D.isEmpty()) { for(this->append(D.visit());D.goNext();this->append(D.visit())); } for(D.goHead(),this->goHead();currPos;D.goNext(),this->goNext(), currPos--); // set current to what it was before } void DLL::append(int data){// add after tail Node* newNode = new Node(data, _tail); if (_tail!=0){ _tail = _curr = _curr->_next = newNode; } else{ _head = _tail = _curr = newNode; } } void DLL::insert(int data){// inserts data before current Node* newNode = new Node(data,_curr->_prev,_curr); if (!isEmpty()){ if (_curr->_prev){ _curr = _curr->_prev = _curr->_prev->_next = newNode; } else{ _head = _curr = _curr->_prev = newNode; } } else{ _head = _tail = _curr = newNode; } } int DLL::remove(){// remove the currect goes next if possible int data = visit(); del(); return data; } bool DLL::del(){ bool ok; if (ok = !isEmpty()){ Node* ToDel = _curr; if (_curr->_next){//NextNode exists, current node is not tail _curr->_next->_prev = _curr->_prev; } else{ _tail = _tail->_prev; } if (_curr->_prev){//current node is not head _curr->_prev->_next = _curr->_next; } else{ _head = _head->_next; } if(_curr->_next){ _curr = _curr->_next; } else{ _curr = _curr->_prev; } delete ToDel; } return ok; }
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Monday, 11 March 2013
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Program of Queue - get a node's value,previous node,print a queue
Program of Queue
Function description:
1.get a node's value
2.print a queue
3.Find previous node
Function description:
1.get a node's value
2.print a queue
3.Find previous node
//queue.cpp //H.Y.Q //Mar 08, 2013 //Release v0.2 //Get the data's value of current Node int Queue::get(const Node* currentNode) const { return currentNode->_data; } //Print the Node's data value in the queue void Queue::print(){ Node* toPrint = _head; int i=0; while ((toPrint !=0) && (cout << (++i)<< ". Data: "<< get(toPrint) << "\tAddress: " << (void*) toPrint << endl) && (toPrint = nextNode(toPrint))); } //Return the previous Node of current Node Node* Queue::prevNode(const Node* currentNode) const{ Node* prev = _head; while (prev != 0 && nextNode(prev) != currentNode){ prev = nextNode(prev); } return prev; }
Program of Queue - add and remove node,next node in the queue...
Program of Queue
Function description:
1.Add a node
2.Remove a node
3.Find next node
Function description:
1.Add a node
2.Remove a node
3.Find next node
//queue.cpp //HYQ //Mar 07, 2013 //Release v0.1 #include "queue.h" using namespace std; Node::Node(int data, Node* next){ _data = data; _next = next; } Queue::Queue(){ _head = (Node*)0; } //add a Node at the end of queue void Queue::add(int data){ Node* toAdd=_head; Node* add = new Node(data); if (_head){ while ((nextNode(toAdd)!=0) && (toAdd=nextNode(toAdd))); toAdd->_next = add; } else{ _head = add; } } int Queue::remove(){ int ret = _head->_data; // 1 Node* toDel = _head; // 2 _head = _head->_next; // 3 delete toDel; // 5 return ret; } bool Queue::isEmpty(){ return !_head; } //Return the next Node of current Node Node* Queue::nextNode(const Node* currentNode) const{ return currentNode->_next; } Queue::~Queue(){ while(!isEmpty()){ remove(); } }
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